Irfan Mirza elected as new WWEA President


Peter Rae resigns after eight years as President

Irfan Mirza elected as new WWEA President

Bonn, 27 November 2023 (WWEA) – After heading the World Wind Energy Association for eight years, Peter Rae announced on the occasion of the WWEC2023 in Hobart his resignation as WWEA President. The WWEA Board elected unanimously Dr. Irfan Mirza as new WWEA President.

Dr. Irfan Mirza is one of the first promoters for renewable energy in Pakistan, e.g. as one of the leading person of the Alternative Energy Development Board of Pakistan. Subsequently he became involved in the wind industry. He states:
“I am truly honored and grateful to be the elected President of WWEA. I accepted this role, knowing that together, we can make a significant contribution to protect this planet for future generations. Climate change is speeding towards a climate catastrophe, and we all need to play our role to stop it. I want to express my gratitude to Honorable Peter Rae, for his tireless efforts and contributions. His hard work, dedication and professionalism has laid a strong foundation upon which we will build and continue to grow. I also look forward to closely work with my old friend and Secretary General of WWEA; Stefan Gsanger. WWEA Board and members are from different parts of the world and our collective strength lies in the diversity of our backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It is this diversity that will fuel our creativity, drive innovation, and ultimately lead us to meaningful solutions. Thank you.”

Hon. Peter Rae AO is a former Australian Senator and Chairman of HydroTasmania and was elected as WWEA President for the first time in 2015, re-elected three times. He says:
“During the eight years during my role as President of WWEA, we have seen a strong growth in each of the renewable energy technology applications and, in percentage terms, huge growth in the world-wide wind industry. I was involved in many important activities, including REN21, IRENA, Energy Globe or the REN Alliance. WWEA held important conferences and, as President, I continued to enjoy enthusiastic support from members and associations around the World, after all at “my” the home conference in Hobart.
Serving on the board not only of WWEA, but of the International Solar Energy Society and the International Hydropower Association and having been given Observer status with the International Geothermal Association gave me the opportunity to positively develop the understanding and support from each of the major renewable energy technologies in the concept the “Symphony of the Renewables.”
I have enjoyed my part in achieving all this and commend it to others to follow.
I have every confidence that Dr Irfan Mirza will be a very competent and successful president..”

Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General:
“I am extremely grateful that I had the privilege to work with Peter very closely over many years. We owe him a lot for his personal dedication for a renewable energy world. I am very much looking forward to collaborating with Irfan, whom I met for the first time in Pakistan as one of the drivers of wind power. Based on the new strategy which the WWEA board has just adopted, WWEA will do another step towards furthering a renewable future which will be based on participation of the many.”

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